Felimare porterae, sea slugs, from MacFarland's Opistobranchiate Mollusca from Monterey Bay, California and vicinity
Felimare porterae, sea slugs, from MacFarland's Opistobranchiate Mollusca from Monterey Bay, California and vicinity
Opisthobranchiate Mollusca from Monterey Bay, California, and vicinity
SH11 .A25 v.25 1905 p.109-151__v.25, 1905
AMNH Librar catalog record: http://libcat1.amnh.org/record=b1214368
Natural Histories: Opulent Oceans: Extraordinary Rare Book Selections from the American Museum of Natural History Library
American Museum of Natural History Research Library
Information on rights available at the repository
Bibliographic Number: <a href="http://libcat1.amnh.org/record=b1214368" target="_blank">b1214368</a>
American Museum of Natural History
McFarland, Frank Mace, 1869-1951 (artist), McFarland, Olive Hornbrook (artist), and McFarland, Frank Mace, 1869-1951 (author), “Felimare porterae, sea slugs, from MacFarland's Opistobranchiate Mollusca from Monterey Bay, California and vicinity,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed February 11, 2025, https://lbry-web-007.amnh.org/digital/index.php/items/show/31381.