Scene for background of Museum Gorilla Group, Albert National Park, from gorilla camp, looking west, painted by W. R. Leigh
Scene for background of Museum Gorilla Group, Albert National Park, from gorilla camp, looking west, painted by W. R. Leigh
Film negatives
8 x 10
Virunga National Park, Nord-Kivu, Province du, Congo
AMNH Library authority record Akeley Hall of African Mammals
American Museum of Natural History Research Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
American Museum of Natural History
Leigh, William Robinson, 1866-1955 (artist) and Rice, Hugh S. (Hugh Smith), 1891- (photographer), “Scene for background of Museum Gorilla Group, Albert National Park, from gorilla camp, looking west, painted by W. R. Leigh,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed September 14, 2024,