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Making ready for the start down the Davida [River], Mato Grosso, Brazil, Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition, 1913-1914


Making ready for the start down the Davida [River], Mato Grosso, Brazil, Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition, 1913-1914

1913, approximate

Transparencies -- Color

4 x 5


Photographic Transparency Collection

AMNH Special Collections: Photographic Transparency Collection, Transparency number:

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

American Museum of Natural History Library

American Museum of Natural History


Cherrie, George Kruck (photographer), “Making ready for the start down the Davida [River], Mato Grosso, Brazil, Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition, 1913-1914,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed July 27, 2024,