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Paradise parrot by Roland Green, from The birds of Australia by Gregory Macalister Mathews, London, 1910-1927


Paradise parrot by Roland Green, from The birds of Australia by Gregory Macalister Mathews, London, 1910-1927

Mathews, Gregory M. (Gregory Macalister), 1876-1949. The birds of Australia. London, Witherby & Co., 1910-27.

RF-54-D v.1, pt.1

AMNH Special Collections: Photographic Transparency Collection, Transparency number:

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

American Museum of Natural History


Green, Roland, 1895- (artist), “Paradise parrot by Roland Green, from The birds of Australia by Gregory Macalister Mathews, London, 1910-1927,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed January 12, 2025,