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Eohippus, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight


Eohippus, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight



13 1/4 x 19 1/4 in.

1 watercolor : Watercolor. Support: Artist board. Three early horse in forest glade. Inscription: Reverse "Framed and Restored/ BY/ CN Astori/ 12. v. 36." Evolution of the Horse Series.

AMNH Special Collections: Photographic Transparency Collection, Transparency number: 656

AMNH Special Collections, Art Survey No. 791: Eohippus, Charles R. Knight, 1905.

AMNH Library authority record: Knight, Charles Robert 1874-1953

Osborn, H.F. 1921. The age of mammals. New York: The MacMillan Co. p. 135.

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

Photographic Transparency Number: 256

Photographic Negative Number: 312630

Photographic Negative Number: 35767

Photographic Negative Number: 28465

Art Survey Number: 791

American Museum of Natural History



Knight, Charles Robert 1874-1953 (artist), “Eohippus, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed July 26, 2024,