Bornean Fireback, Euplocamus nobilis, watercolor, gouache on paper, by Joseph Wolf, 1867
Bornean Fireback, Euplocamus nobilis, watercolor, gouache on paper, by Joseph Wolf, 1867
1 painting : watercolor on paper ; 48 x 61 cm. Artist's signature and date at lower middle. Depicts two pheasants perched on branches, life-size male in foreground and female in background. The current taxonomic name of this species (now ususally called Greater Bornean crested fireback) is Lophura ignita nobilis.
Wolf, Joseph, 1820-1899. [Bornean fire-back] [art original] / J. Wolf. 1867.
AMNH Special Collections: Photographic Transparency Collection, Transparency number:
AMNH Library catalog records: [Bornean fire-back] [art original] / J. Wolf.
AMNH Library authority record: Wolf, Joseph 1820-1899
Elliot, Daniel Giraud. A monograph of the Phasianidae or family of the pheasants. 1872. Vol. 2, plate 27 (caption: Euplocamus nobilis; caption title of accompanying text: Euplocamus nobilis. Bornean fire-back)
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
American Museum of Natural History