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Photograph of the Wasatchian-Early Eocene Savannah group, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Early Mammals


Photograph of the Wasatchian-Early Eocene Savannah group, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Early Mammals


Transparencies -- Color

4 x 5

Background painting and diorama by Charles R. Knight. The caption in the Paleocene Hall read: An Eocene Savannah. Wasatchian-Early Eocene Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Left to right: Miacis, an early carnivore. Hyracotherium (herd), eohippus, progressive hoofed mammals, first known horses. Diatryma (background), flightless bird. Meniscotherium (background), a condylarth. Pelycodus (in tree), a lemur-like primate. Paramys (under tree), the first known rodent. Coryphodon (family group), archaic hoofed mammals. Oxyaena, an early carnivore eating a Gar. 1/8 natural size.

AMNH Special Collections: Photographic Transparency Collection, Transparency number: 1351

AMNH Library authority record: Knight, Charles Robert 1874-1953

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

American Museum of Natural History


Knight, Charles Robert 1874-1953 (artist) and Rota, Alex J. (photographer), “Photograph of the Wasatchian-Early Eocene Savannah group, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Early Mammals,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed January 20, 2025,