Pottery and Stone Sculpture from Vera Cruz and Neighboring States, Central American Hall, 1965
Pottery and Stone Sculpture from Vera Cruz and Neighboring States, Central American Hall, 1965
Film negatives
4 x 5
Veracruz, Mexico
New York, New York state, United States
AMNH Library authority record http://data.library.amnh.org/archives-authorities/id/amnhc_4000036
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
American Museum of Natural History
Unknown (photographer), “Pottery and Stone Sculpture from Vera Cruz and Neighboring States, Central American Hall, 1965,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed September 16, 2024, https://lbry-web-007.amnh.org/digital/index.php/items/show/46304.