Florida Pygmy Rattlesnake, "Ground Rattler"
Florida Pygmy Rattlesnake, "Ground Rattler"
35 x 49 cm. or smaller
Florida Pigmy Rattlesnake, "Ground Rattler." Sistrurus miliarius Barbouri gloyd. Natural Size, Length - 22 inches. Range: Florida, Lower coastal plain to the Mississippi Valley. R.F. Deckert, from life Miami, Fla., December 1, 1944. Specimen from Pinecrest, Dade Co., Fla. Loaned by Irwin Winte, Conservation Officer
AMNH Special Collections, RF-80-A & RF-80-B: Florida Pygmy Rattlesnake, "Ground Rattler", Richard F. Deckert, 1945.
AMNH Library catalog record: Paintings of snakes and frogs [art original]
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
Bibliographic Number: b12162097
American Museum of Natural History