European Viper, "Kreutzotter"
European Viper, "Kreutzotter"
35 x 49 cm. or smaller
European Viper "Kreutzotter" Vipera Berus Linne. Two Common Color Phases, Natural Size, Top, Male, Length 24 inches. Bottom, Female, Length 29 inches. Distribution: Europe, except Ireland and the Rhine Provinces of Germany; Asia Minor, Central Asia to Saghalien. Specimens from Germany. Miami, Fla., August 30, 1944. Loaned by R.F. Deckert. Coll. by Erich Marherr, Schmalkalden, Germany.
AMNH Special Collections, RF-80-A & RF-80-B, European Viper, "Kreutzotter," Richard F. Deckert, 1944.
AMNH Library catalog record: Paintings of snakes and frogs [art original]
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
Bibliographic Number: b12162097
American Museum of Natural History