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Plaster cast of baby modeled by William Orchard, used as Hiawatha Exhibit sent to children' s rooms in libraries of New York, cradle-board collected from Ojibwa of Michigan by Harlan Ingersoll Smith, 1907


Plaster cast of baby modeled by William Orchard, used as Hiawatha Exhibit sent to children' s rooms in libraries of New York, cradle-board collected from Ojibwa of Michigan by Harlan Ingersoll Smith, 1907


6 x 8

North America

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

American Museum of Natural History


Orchard, William C. (photographer), “Plaster cast of baby modeled by William Orchard, used as Hiawatha Exhibit sent to children' s rooms in libraries of New York, cradle-board collected from Ojibwa of Michigan by Harlan Ingersoll Smith, 1907,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed January 15, 2025,