Looking down from the Scales of the Universe, Hayden Sphere, Cosmic Pathway, and Hall of the Universe, Rose Center for Earth and Space, February 26, 2008
Looking down from the Scales of the Universe, Hayden Sphere, Cosmic Pathway, and Hall of the Universe, Rose Center for Earth and Space, February 26, 2008
Digital Photographs
New York, New York state, United States
AMNH Library authority record: Rose Center for Earth and Space.
AMNH Library authority record: Rose Center for Earth and Space. Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Hall of the Universe.
AMNH Library authority record: Rose Center for Earth and Space. Harriet and Robert Heilbrunn Cosmic Pathway.
AMNH Library authority record: Rose Center for Earth and Space. Hayden Big Bang Theater.
AMNH Library authority record: Rose Center for Earth and Space. Hayden Planetarium.
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
American Museum of Natural History