Wickam Cuffee, 75 years old, Shinnecock, Long Island, New York, 1902
Wickam Cuffee, 75 years old, Shinnecock, Long Island, New York, 1902
5 x 7
An image of Cuffee was published in: An ancient village site of the Shinnecock Indians, by M. R. Harrington. Anthropological papers of the American museum of natural history, vol. XXII, pt. V. New York, 1924.
Shinnecock Indian Reservation, Suffolk county, New York, United States
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
Cuffee, Wickam
American Museum of Natural History
Harrington, M. R. (Mark Raymond) 1882-1971 (photographer), “Wickam Cuffee, 75 years old, Shinnecock, Long Island, New York, 1902,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed February 18, 2025, https://lbry-web-007.amnh.org/digital/index.php/items/show/69914.