Drying hallikan (eulachon fish), on the east side of the Chilkat River, near Haines, Alaska, print purchased by Smith for the Museum for .50 cents from J.M. Blankenburg, August 24, 1909
Drying hallikan (eulachon fish), on the east side of the Chilkat River, near Haines, Alaska, print purchased by Smith for the Museum for .50 cents from J.M. Blankenburg, August 24, 1909
1909, approximate
5 x 7
Haines, Alaska, United States
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
American Museum of Natural History
Blankenberg Photo (photographer), “Drying hallikan (eulachon fish), on the east side of the Chilkat River, near Haines, Alaska, print purchased by Smith for the Museum for .50 cents from J.M. Blankenburg, August 24, 1909,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed September 12, 2024, https://lbry-web-007.amnh.org/digital/index.php/items/show/71293.