Looking eastward at the beach and canoes, some of them of the Chinook type, others of the Songish river-type...in front of the little Salish village on Esquimalt Harbor, perhaps two miles north of the naval station and on the south side of the little point on the end of which is a salmon cannery; vegetation covers an ancient shell heap, part of which is washed out and shown on the beach, British Columbia, June 30, 1909
Looking eastward at the beach and canoes, some of them of the Chinook type, others of the Songish river-type...in front of the little Salish village on Esquimalt Harbor, perhaps two miles north of the naval station and on the south side of the little point on the end of which is a salmon cannery; vegetation covers an ancient shell heap, part of which is washed out and shown on the beach, British Columbia, June 30, 1909
Film negatives
6 x 8
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
AMNH Library authority record: Smith, Harlan Ingersoll 1872-1940
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
American Museum of Natural History
Smith, Harlan Ingersoll, 1872-1940 (photographer), “Looking eastward at the beach and canoes, some of them of the Chinook type, others of the Songish river-type...in front of the little Salish village on Esquimalt Harbor, perhaps two miles north of the naval station and on the south side of the little point on the end of which is a salmon cannery; vegetation covers an ancient shell heap, part of which is washed out and shown on the beach, British Columbia, June 30, 1909,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed February 11, 2025, https://lbry-web-007.amnh.org/digital/index.php/items/show/80483.