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Lunch at the mounted police station perhaps a mile north of the international boundary on the Stikine River, Fred Bronson seated on the kitchen box? Will S. Taylor in oil skins to the right, Guy Carson prospector, cooking, Alex Vereatt resting, Alaska, August 18, 1909


Lunch at the mounted police station perhaps a mile north of the international boundary on the Stikine River, Fred Bronson seated on the kitchen box? Will S. Taylor in oil skins to the right, Guy Carson prospector, cooking, Alex Vereatt resting, Alaska, August 18, 1909


Photographic prints

4 x 5

Stikine River, Wrangell-Petersburg division, Alaska, United States

AMNH Library authority record: Smith, Harlan Ingersoll 1872-1940

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

Taylor, William S.

Bronson, Fred

Vereatt, Alex

Carson, Guy

American Museum of Natural History


Smith, Harlan Ingersoll, 1872-1940 (photographer), “Lunch at the mounted police station perhaps a mile north of the international boundary on the Stikine River, Fred Bronson seated on the kitchen box? Will S. Taylor in oil skins to the right, Guy Carson prospector, cooking, Alex Vereatt resting, Alaska, August 18, 1909,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,