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Title page of William Martin's "Figures and descriptions of petrifactions, collected in Derbyshire"


Title page of William Martin's "Figures and descriptions of petrifactions, collected in Derbyshire"


Title pages

AMNH Library, J-2: Figures and descriptions of petrifactions, collected in Derbyshire : to which are added, a systematical list of the minerals, which have been found constituting the substance of extraneous fossils in that country, and a brief introduction to the knowledge of petrifactions in general, by William Martin, 1793, title page.

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

Barcode Number: 100233452

Bibliographic Number: b11418047

American Museum of Natural History


Martin, William, 1767-1810 (author), “Title page of William Martin's "Figures and descriptions of petrifactions, collected in Derbyshire",” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed July 26, 2024,