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Lotus leaves, botanical illustration with colors noted, for use in Upper Nile Region Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals


Lotus leaves, botanical illustration with colors noted, for use in Upper Nile Region Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals




17.75 x 12 in

This item contains two green lotus leaves shown side-by-side. The leaf on the right is a darker shade of green and has smoother edges than the leaf on the left. Both leaf paintings have accompanying color notes exhibiting different shades of green, blue, and yellow. The green tiles represent the color of the leaves while the yellow tiles may represent the color of a lotus flower not depicted in the paintings. Nile River Group Job #5179, Received Jul 6 1938, Sudan Lotus, White and Yellow, Blue

AMNH Library authority record: Akeley Hall of African Mammals

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

American Museum of Natural History



Kane, Robert W., 1910-1982 (artist), “Lotus leaves, botanical illustration with colors noted, for use in Upper Nile Region Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed September 14, 2024,