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Reverend Harry Caldwell and serow, Chekiang, China, March, 1919


Reverend Harry Caldwell and serow, Chekiang, China, March, 1919


Safety film negatives

4 x 5

Zhejiang , China

AMNH Library authority record: Asiatic Expedition (2nd : 1918-1919)

AMNH Library authority record: Andrews, Roy Chapman 1884-1960

AMNH Library authority record: Andrews, Yvette Borup

AMNH Library authority record: Caldwell, Harry R.

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

USDE Number: 2013

Film Roll Negative Number: 126D:25

Caldwell, Harry R.

American Museum of Natural History


Andrews, Yvette Borup (photographer), “Reverend Harry Caldwell and serow, Chekiang, China, March, 1919,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed July 26, 2024,