Expedition team with guides and rifles, atop rocks looking into valley, Monywa to Homametti, Myanmar, April, 1935
Expedition team with guides and rifles, atop rocks looking into valley, Monywa to Homametti, Myanmar, April, 1935
Nitrate negatives
Monywa, Sagaing, Myanmar
AMNH Special Collections, NNC .M36 V47: Vernay-Hopwood Chindwin Expedition Negative Collection, 1935-04, Negative number: VHC-P017
AMNH Library authority record: Vernay-Hopwood Chindwin Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1934-1935)
AMNH Library authority record: Vernay, Arthur Stannard 1877-1960
AMNH Library authority record: Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
American Museum of Natural History
Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944 (photographer), “Expedition team with guides and rifles, atop rocks looking into valley, Monywa to Homametti, Myanmar, April, 1935,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed September 20, 2024, https://lbry-web-007.amnh.org/digital/index.php/items/show/94076.