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Photograph of Konrad Gessner's book, Historiae animalium, Liber 1, [1551]


Photograph of Konrad Gessner's book, Historiae animalium, Liber 1, [1551]


Digital Photographs

AMNH Library: Historiae animalium, Konrad Gessner, [1551], Lib I.

AMNH Library catalog record: Historiae animalium. Liber I

Featured in: Natural histories: extraordinary rare book selections from the American Museum of Natural History Library, edited by Tom Baione. New York : Sterling Signature, c2012.

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

Bibliographic Number: b11863985

Barcode Number: 100083785

American Museum of Natural History


Gessner, Konrad, 1516-1565 (author) and Finnin, Denis (photographer), “Photograph of Konrad Gessner's book, Historiae animalium, Liber 1, [1551],” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed July 26, 2024,