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Woolly Rhinoceros and Saiga Antelope in a Glacial Winter, detail of mural


Woolly Rhinoceros and Saiga Antelope in a Glacial Winter, detail of mural



108 x 300 in.

Oil painting. Family of rhinos standing and lying in snowy landscape with mammoths and antelope herds in background. Northern, France. Midwinter, close of glacial epoch. To see full mural, see Photographic Negative Number: 37227

AMNH Special Collections, Art Survey No. 1150: Wooly Rhinoceros and Saiga Antelope in a Glacial Winter, Charles R. Knight, 1916.

AMNH Library authority record: Knight, Charles Robert 1874-1953

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

Photographic Negative Number: 37227 (full view of the mural)

Photographic Transparency Number: 2448

Bibliographic Number: b10011493

Art Survey Number: 1150

AMNH Special Collections: Photographic Transparency Collection, Transparency number: 211

American Museum of Natural History



Knight, Charles Robert, 1874-1953 (artist), “Woolly Rhinoceros and Saiga Antelope in a Glacial Winter, detail of mural,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed July 26, 2024,