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Plant, botanical illustration with colors noted, for use in Chimpanzee Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals


Plant, botanical illustration with colors noted, for use in Chimpanzee Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals


Mixed media


Chimpanzee Group

No. III; Fruit; Dead leaf; Face young leaf; Face old leaf; Back of leaf; Chimpanzee or Mandrill; May 10th; Cavally River; Ivory Coast West Africa; Bipindi Cameroun W.A.; Natives claim that chimps eat fruit. They call tree DARTO; R.W. Kane

Ivory Coast -- Côte d'Ivoire

AMNH Library authority record: Akeley Hall of African Mammals

American Museum of Natural History Research Library

Information on rights available at the repository

American Museum of Natural History



Kane, Robert W., 1910-1982 (artist), “Plant, botanical illustration with colors noted, for use in Chimpanzee Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed July 26, 2024,