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ID: 253839
Three women bring us presents of argal, Mongolia, 1923
ID: 253843
Mongol woman mending our tent, Mongolia, 1922-1923
ID: 253889
A well scene, Mongolia, 1923
ID: 253899
Motor cars at Great Wall on return to Kalgan Pass, 1923
ID: 2584
Eskimo house, St. Lawrence Island, Siberia, 1901
ID: 258467
Roy Chapman Andrews, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 2585
Scene on the shore, Siberia, 1901
ID: 2601
Support for dried meat, Mariinsky Point, Siberia, 1901
ID: 26027
Net frames for drying nets, Vancouver, July 9-14, 1909
ID: 26028p
Looking north across the Nimpkish River showing fishermen drawing the seine, British Columbia, July 9-14, 1909
ID: 26086p
Lunch at the mounted police station perhaps a mile north of the international boundary on the Stikine River, Fred Bronson seated on the kitchen box? Will S. Taylor in oil skins to the right, Guy Carson prospector, cooking, Alex Vereatt resting, Alaska, August 18, 1909
ID: 26087p
Looking eastward across the Stikine River at dinner party...Walter Dort is walking with his back to the camera and he is the engineer of the canoe, Alaska, August 18, 1909
ID: 26088p
Looking down stream near the Iskut River, Walter Dort is standing near the stove, with Fred Bronson, Alex Vereatt, and Will S. Taylor, August 19, 1909
ID: 26091p
Canoe stuck on a sandbar...everyone is attempting to hold it with poles from being turned by the current...showing experienced Walter Dort...and inexperienced Fred Bronson, Iskut River, August 19, 1909
ID: 26092p
Mr. Smith having a drink at camp after having gone up the Iskut as far as possible with the gasoline boat, August 20, 1909
ID: 26098p
Will S. Taylor painting the glacier, Stikine, Alaska, August 21, 1909
ID: 26099p
Dort running the engine and Smith steering down the Stikine; the great glacier...showing above the trees, the boat was the first gasoline boat ever to the Great Glacier of the Stikine River, Alaska, August 21, 1909
ID: 26100p
ID: 26102
Tlingit canoe and fish racks with salmon drying under sunshade near houses at Klukwan; looking up the Chilkat River 25 miles above Haines, Alaska, August 26, 1909
ID: 26103
Tlingit fish racks with salmon drying under sunshade in Klukwan; looking up the Chilkat River 25 miles above Haines, Alaska, August 26, 1909
ID: 26104
Salmon drying under sunshade in Klukwan; looking up the Chilkat River 25 miles above Haines, Alaska, August 26, 1909
ID: 26105
Salmon drying under sunshade in Klukwan; looking west at the Chilkat River 25 miles above Haines, Alaska, August 26, 1909
ID: 26111
Tlingit boy from Klukwan carrying back accompanied by his pack dogs and other dogs, turning out for the stage on the United States military road which is about to cross the bridge over the Chilkat River, with houses on either side, Alaska, August 26, 1909
ID: 2627
Unloading cargo from ship, Siberia, Russia, 1900
ID: 2645
Unloading cargo, Siberia, 1900
ID: 265347
Albert Thomson and Chinese men covering bones of "Baron Sog monster" with burlap and flour paste, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 266195
Working on yurt frame, Pamir Mountains, 1926
ID: 266196
ID: 266197
Working on yurt frame, showing side and roof, Pamir Mountains, 1926
ID: 266198
ID: 266226
Assembling yurt frame at an enclosure on the Tagdumbash Pamir, Chinese post, Turkestan, 1926
ID: 266241
William J. Morden outside yurt at expedition camp, Peyik [Beyik] Pass, Pamir Mountains, 1926
ID: 266263
Expedition camp at Kyrgyz yurts, Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan, 1926
ID: 266272
Expedition boxes at camp, Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan, 1926
ID: 266383
Kyrgyz man on pony laden with expedition equipment, Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan, 1926
ID: 266780
Crossing the Gez River, 1926
ID: 266781
Fording the Gez river, 1926
ID: 266802
Group laden with equipment advancing up canyon gorge, surrounded by walls 1,000-2,000 feet high, Xinjiang, China, 1926
ID: 267615
Expedition camp, Aksu, Tekes Valley, China, 1926-1927
ID: 267616
Expedition camp at Aksu, Tekes Valley, 1926
ID: 267617
ID: 267816
Expedition camp near Kargai Tash
ID: 267817
ID: 267925
Fording stream, Koksu District, 1926
ID: 268137
Trading caravan, Yulduz Valley, 1926-1927
ID: 268138
ID: 268139
ID: 268140
ID: 268199
Serai courtyard with carts, Karashar, Ürümqi, Xinjiang, 1926
ID: 268453
Telega and wagon, 1926
ID: 2708
Group on shore with supplies, ship in the distance, Siberia, 1900
ID: 275349
Group at fossil pit number 611, above Yen Ching Kou, Wan Chuan Hsien, 1925-1926
ID: 276092
A truck in difficulty, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 276196
R. C. Raddatz making leaf molds, Carlisle-Clark African Expedition, 1929
ID: 281095
Mounting rhinoceros and Indian elephant, 1934
ID: 281464
Doctor bandages Guy Richards' legs, Solomon Islands, 1927
ID: 283546
Hopi corn mills, Hano, Arizona, 1916
ID: 285521
Frank M. Chapman on balcony with camera, Barro Colorado, Panama, 1936
ID: 285522
ID: 287888
Professor William H. Barton at the Control Panel in the Hayden Planetarium, November 1937
ID: 287934
Museum's course for teachers in crafts and techniques, 1937
ID: 287939
Slide Room, Department of Education, 1937
ID: 287940
Henry Pinter preparing slides for public schools of Greater New York, Slide Room, 1937
ID: 290197
Sir James Jeans and Clyde Fisher with the Hayden Planetarium projection equipment, 1937
ID: 290457
Clyde Fisher with his Graflex Camera, Huanchaco, Peru, 1937
ID: 291065
Armin Schmidt inserting tow body into skin for mounting bird, 1939
ID: 292465
William H. Barton, Jr. Executive Curator, Hayden Planetarium, Wayne M. Faunce, Vice-Director and Executive Secretary of the Museum, Hans C. Adamson, Chairman Public and Press Information, and Charles H. Coles, photographer with eclipse expedition equipment, March 26, 1940
ID: 292466
William H. Barton, Jr., Hans C. Adamson, Wayne M. Faunce, and Charles H. Coles with Longines Eclipse Expedition equipment, Hayden Planetarium, 1940
ID: 296288
Ernest Deike and Professor William Barton on the Planetarium roof adjusting a coelostat to bring sunlight into the Planetarium, light is directed into objective lens to the left of Deike's head, June 1941
ID: 296338
Albert Thomson with Hyaenodon horridus fossil in cinches, ready to be turned over, South Dakota, 1941
ID: 298073
Albert Thomson, James Browne, and Henry Lee picnic in the White River Badlands, South Dakota, 1941
ID: 298089
Albert Thomson eating lunch at camp near Scenic, South Dakota, 1941
ID: 298481
Mounting Birds of Paradise, 1945
ID: 299089
William H. Barton and giant sextant, Hayden Planetarium, June 24, 1942
ID: 2a12684
Halibut hook, carved, wood and metal, Tlingit, Alaska
ID: 2a1366
Catherine Barry, Assistant Curator, Hayden Planetarium, with telescopes, July, 1950
ID: 2a145
77th Street Foyer, free X-ray tests, 1949
ID: 2a146
Free X-ray tests, 77th Street Foyer, 1949
ID: 2A152
Lincoln Ellsworth Exhibit, 1949
ID: 2A153
"Arctic and Antarctic Exploration: Exhibition through the gift of Lincoln Ellsworth," Lincoln Ellsworth Exhibit, 1949
ID: 2A154
ID: 2A155
Lincoln Ellsworth Exhibit with a model of the airship, Norge, 1949
ID: 2A156
ID: 2A22419
North and west facades of second largest ruin, Aztec ruins, New Mexico, 1915
ID: 2a3099
Tape recording panel in the sound booth at the Hayden Planetarium, 1954
ID: 2A3928
On the inside passage, aboard ship, Alaska, 1928
ID: 2A5978
New control panel in booth, Thomas Nicholson and colleague, Hayden Planetarium, 1958
ID: 2a840
77th Street Foyer, employees getting X-rays, 1950
ID: 312210
George H. Lutz and his portable reflecting telescope, 1928
ID: 312211
George H. Lutz and Peter Kahn with portable reflecting telescope built by Lutz, 1928
ID: 312212
ID: 312214
George H. Lutz posing with stellite mirror from his reflecting telescope, 1928
ID: 312215
George H. Lutz and a stellite mirror made by him for his reflecting telescope, 1928
ID: 312583
Woman working with incubator used for temperature tolerance experiments, Herpetology Laboratory, 1928
ID: 313096
Group of junior astronauts with telescope, Hayden Planetarium, February 1930
ID: 313097
ID: 313230
Printing press, Museum Print Shop, 1930
ID: 313231
Working in Press Room, Museum Print Shop, 1930
ID: 314030
Martin and Osa Johnson and African attendants with movie cameras, [Africa, 1923]
ID: 314207
Construction of Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1933