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ID: 317657
Interior of Roosevelt Memorial, looking toward main entrance, 1940
ID: 321356
Case of jade objects, Drummond Hall, 1940-1949
ID: 318268
Rock crystal ball mounted on bronze dragon, Morgan Hall, 1941
ID: 318269
ID: 296591
Mysterious Mars show, Man from Mars, by Walter Favreau, peering around Mars model, Hayden Planetarium, 1941
ID: 319366
Stone sculptures, Vera Cruz, Mexican Hall, 1944
ID: 319252
Cultural Sequence of the Valley of Mexico I: Teotihuacan Period Circa 300-900 A.D., Mexican Hall, 1944
ID: 319254
Cultural Sequence of the Valley of Mexico I: Toltec Period Circa 900-1200 A.D., Mexican Hall, 1944
ID: 319257
Cultural Sequence of the Valley of Mexico I: Middle Culture Period, Mexican Hall, 1944
ID: 319260
Pottery figures and vessels, stone sculptures, Western Mexico, Mexican Hall, 1944
ID: 319344a
Stone carvings, Mexican Hall, 1944
ID: 122324
Belgian Coal Miner, sculpture by Melvina Hoffman, Economic Geology Hall, 3rd Floor, Coal Exhibit, October, 1944
ID: 326475
Cast of Willendorf Venus, 1945
ID: 326474
Woman of Willendorf, cast
ID: 319461p
Exhibit of animals modeled by Louis Paul Jonas, Roosevelt Foyer, 1945
ID: 319646
Busts of William C. Whitney and Harry Payne Whitney, entrance to Whitney Memorial Hall of Pacific Bird Life, 1945
ID: 320564
The Face from Fish to Man, exhibit, Biology Hall, 1949
ID: 321063
Completing replica of stone head from Vera Cruz, Mexico, for Mexican Hall, 1950
ID: 2A2584
Taxidermist George Adams constructing moa foundation, American Museum of Natural History, New York, 1951
ID: 2a3182
Ladder used in changing bulbs, Roosevelt Rotunda, 1954
ID: 128007
Stone sculpture, Olmec, from La Venta, Tabasco, woman and children standing in doorway, 1956
ID: 128005
Stone sculpture, Olmec, from La Venta, Tabasco
ID: 128006
Stone sculpture, Olmec, from La Venta, Tabasco, woman standing in doorway, 1956
ID: 131515
Neanderthal reconstruction made by Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) worker, 1939-1943
ID: 131516
ID: 131517
ID: 131518
ID: 131519
ID: 328210
Dinosaur models, 1961
ID: 328211
ID: 328212
ID: 331048
Children viewing bronze lions, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1965
ID: 2A7912
Cultural Sequence of the Valley of Mexico II: Teotihuacan Period Circa 300 A.D. - 900 A.D., Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7915
Cultural Sequence of the Valley of Mexico IV: Aztec Period Circa 1200 A.D. - 1521 A.D., Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7916
Cultural Sequence of the Valley of Mexico: Ihuacan Period Circa 300 A.D. - 900 A.D., Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7917
Pottery and Sculpture from the Huasteca, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7919
Pottery, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7920
Cultural Sequence of the Valley of Mexico I: Middle Period Circa 200 B.C. - 300 A.D., Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7921
Stone carvings and pottery, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7922
ID: 2A7925
Aztec stone sculpture, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7926
Clay figures from Vera Cruz, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7927
Pottery figures, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7928
Stone sculptures, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7929
Fragments of Plaster Sculpture, Palenque, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7930
Palmate stone and yoke, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7931
Figurine Art of Mexico and Central America, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7932
Art of Costa Rica and Oaxaca, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7933
Art of Guerrero, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7935
Head from Tecolpa, Tabasco, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7936
Pottery and Stone Sculpture from Vera Cruz and Neighboring States, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7938
Pottery and Stone Sculpture from Western Mexico, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7939
ID: 2A7941
ID: 2A7942
Aztec Stone Sculpture, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7949
Clay figurines, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7950
Sculptured heads, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7955
Sculptures, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7956
Sculpture, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7957
ID: 2A7958
Funerary urns, Central American Hall, 1965
ID: 2a7937
ID: 2A7913
Cultural Sequence of the Valley of Mexico III: Toltec Period Circa 900 A.D. - 1200 A.D., Central American Hall, 1965
ID: ptc-1431
Woman figure, silver, Peru
ID: 332943
Teotihuacan style figurine, height 8 inches, from the vicinity of Santiago Ahuitzotla, Classic period, Mexico
ID: 333242
Early Pleistocene Australopithecus prometheus, Biology of Man Hall, 1968
ID: 333243
Early Pleistocene Paranthropus robustus, Biology of Man Hall, 1968
ID: 333244
Early Pleaistocene Paranthropus robustus, Biology of Man Hall, 1968
ID: ptc-1715
Seated figure, clay, Maya, Jaina style, Campeche, Mexico
ID: 334199
Can Man Survive exhibit, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall, 1969
ID: ptc-1612
Seated woman figure, clay, Jalisco style, Mexico
ID: 63861_17a
Bust of John Burroughs, 1970
ID: 334959
Exhibit, John Burroughs Corridor, 1970
ID: ptc-1667
Queen Maya: The Birth of Buddha, bronze statue, 19th century, Nepal
ID: ptc-1668
ID: 335007
Stone sculpture display, Hall of Mexico and Central America, 1970
ID: ptc-7274
Ceremonial vase depicting Mictlantecuhtli, Aztec, Mexica culture, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-7275
Alabaster deer figure, Aztec, Mexica culture, Templo Mayo, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-7276
Alabaster sculpture with tortoise shell ornaments on front and back, Aztec, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-2646
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial, Central Park West entrance, American Museum of Natural History, 1970s
ID: 2A11281
Sculpture by Henry Moore, Hall of Mollusks and Mankind, June 1975
ID: ptc-1989
Standing figure, woman in skirt, cast made from oyster shell, by Henry Moore
ID: ptc-2389
Shaman's guardian figure, wood, hair, eagle down, operculum, pigment, H 60 cm, Tlingit
ID: ptc-2185
Religious figures placed on exterior gates, Kafir (Nuristani), [Hall of Asian Peoples], 1977
ID: ptc-2816
View of Northwest Coast Indian Hall, 1978
ID: ptc-3347
Stone carving, Hall of Mexico and Central America, 1978
ID: ptc-2169
Venus, reproduction, Dolnivestonice, Czechoslavakia
ID: ptc-2205
Statue, bronze, Jupiter, from temporary exhibit Pompeii A.D. 79: Treasures from the National Archeological Museum, Naples and the Pompeii Antiquarium
ID: ptc-2223
Portrait bust, young man, bronze, Pompeii, from temporary exhibit Pompeii A.D. 79: Treasures from the National Archeological Museum, Naples and the Pompeii Antiquarium
ID: ptc-2204
Lar, bronze statuette, Herculaneum
ID: ptc-2221
Lucius Mammius Maximus, bronze statue, Herculaneum
ID: ptc-2222
Bust, goddess of plenty, bronze, Herculaneum
ID: ptc-2226
Bronze deer figure, Vesuvius area, Treasures from the National Archeological Museum, Naples and the Pompeii Antiquarium
ID: ptc-2201
Gladiator, bronze tintinnabulum, Herculaneum
ID: ptc-2281
Godess Kuan-yin, Beryl (variety Morganite), Chinese carving
ID: ptc-2282
Goddess Kuan-yin, Beryl (variety Morganite), Chinese carving
ID: ptc-2482
Okimono [figure], entertainer with young assistant, ivory, 19th century, Japan
ID: ptc-2483
Netsuke, with Daruma doll, ivory, 19th century, Japan
ID: ptc-2484
Sculpture, brass, 16th century, Nepal
ID: ptc-2469
Tibetan Buddhist deities, Makaravaktra and Vasantadevi, brass, Tibet