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ID: 49193
Artesian well, Sanford, Florida, 1910
ID: 49175
Hand cultivating celery, Sanford, Florida, 1910
ID: 49252
Tank and pump, Bonaventure, Florida, 1910
ID: 26791
Man pounding rice, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 410405
Working in field, Ocala, Florida, 1910
ID: 410407
Working first crop, McIntosh, Florida, 1910
ID: 49370
Professor packing, en route to boat landing, Florida, 1910
ID: 33008
Mr. Neandross making models for ceremonial canoe, 1910
ID: 33027
Mueller, glassblower, working on invertebrate model, Department of Installation and Preparation, 1910
ID: 17562
Freeing bones from matrix
ID: 17563
ID: 17565
Grinding with motor
ID: 33086
Posing as figure to be used in ceremonial canoe, 1911
ID: 33099
South Sea Islands Hall, 1911
ID: 32932
Metal working scene, African Hall, 1911
ID: 49578
Dodd's house and boys in the snow, East Corinth, Vermont, February, 1911
ID: 218448
Rice mill, Urusan, Korea, 1912
ID: 218569
Water hammer near the Tumen River, 1912
ID: 33700
Moving section of giant sequoia, "Big Tree", from Darwin Hall to Forestry Hall, 1912
ID: 33908
Hunting weapons, Eskimos of Coronation Gulf, 1912
ID: 219179
John Borden taking observation on schooner the Adventuress, Alaska, 1913
ID: 16831
Native American implements, Tennessee, 1914
ID: sg-3d-512
Makere man felling a tree, Niapu, February, 1914
ID: 102054
Baskets filled in processing room, Juan Fernandez, January, 1915
ID: 102055
Baskets in processing room, Juan Fernandez, January, 1915
ID: 283670
Zuni man with pump-drill, Zuni, New Mexico, 1916
ID: 311839
Carl Akeley operating original model of the Akeley Camera, 1916
ID: 228608
Cultivating rice, man working in rice field, Yenping, Fukien Province, China, July, 1916
ID: 2A18818
Spindles, Peru, circa 1916
ID: 228598
Man plowing field with water buffalo near Yung-chang, Yunnan, China, January 28, 1917
ID: 36588
Seismograph record, 1917
ID: 230971
Determining bearing with navigational tool, Etah, Greenland, April, 1917
ID: 37170
Building Services staff using mop wringer, 77th Street foyer, April, 1918
ID: 37752
Primitive hand looms from the Museum's collections, Industrial Art Exhibition, 1919
ID: 37753
Johnson, Cowdin & Company, Inc .exhibit featuring ribbon weaving loom, skein of raw silk on winder swift, bobbins, and other items, 1919
ID: 37863
Two children observing the process of weaving ribbon, 1919
ID: 37865
Blocks used to print designs on material, one block for each color, 1919
ID: ptc-618
Neanderthal Flintworkers, Le Moustier Cavern, Dordogne, France, mural, oil painting by Charles R. Knight, 1920
ID: 38095
Dawn of the Stone Age, Age of Man exhibit, 1920
ID: 38839
Flint Points and carvings from Egypt
ID: ls-003-026
Roy Chapman Andrews and Walter Granger with dinosaur bones, Third Asiatic Expedition, Mongolia
ID: ls-003-046
Tools revealing bone at excavation site, Third Asiatic Expedition
ID: 108884
Female wood carver from Hanavave Valley, seated with canoe model, Fatu Hiva, Marquises ÃŽles, 1923
ID: 108760
Frederick Morris at plane table, edge of badlands, near Ula Usu expedition camp, 1923
ID: 410839
Carl Ethan Akeley with "At Bay," plasteline model, New York
ID: 410840
Carl Ethan Akeley at work on "At Bay," plasteline model, American Museum of Natural History
ID: 410841
Carl Ethan Akeley working on "At Bay," plasteline model, American Museum of Natural History, New York
ID: 410726
Topographers, left to right: H. O. Robinson, F. B. Butler, and L. B. Roberts, mapping Valley of Shabarahk Usu, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410727
The topographers, left to right, H. O. Robinson, L. B. Roberts, and F. B. Butler, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410745
Walter Granger and "Buckshot" taking out dinosaur skeleton, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410746
Walter Granger at work on the nest of dinosaur eggs found by Norman Lovell, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410761
Roy Chapman Andrews and George Olsen looking over the even dozen dinosaur eggs, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410764
Roy Chapman Andrews and the even dozen dinosaur eggs, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410765
The even dozen dinosaur eggs, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410733
Roy Chapman Andrews examining first find of dinosaur eggs by George Olsen, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410743
Roy Chapman Andrews examining site of dinosaur eggs, Mongolia, 1925
ID: ls2-43
ID: 410709
Showing the strata from which many of the Dune Dweller flints were taken, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410713
Some of the choicest flints gathered, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410715
Close-up showing the flints imbedded in sandstone, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 310884
Azilian or Transitional Period between Old and New Stone Ages, exhibit, 1925
ID: 310918
Boy Scouts in clay modeling class, 1925
ID: 335719
Cleaning and moving Agorgosaurus fossil skeleton, 1926
ID: 410848
Stone lamp, early 20th Century, Tahiti
ID: 410849
Adze, from Samoa (left) and Tahiti (right), top view, 1927
ID: 410850
Adze from Samoa (left) and Tahiti (right), bottom view, 1927
ID: 410852
Making poi, Hawaii, 1927
ID: 410859
Salmon spear (left), Greenland, and Bird dart (right), Alaska, 1927
ID: 410860
Quiver and arrows, Alaska, 1927
ID: 410863
Large wooden dipper, Prince Albert Sound, Canada, 1927
ID: 410865
Fire drill, Alaska, 1927
ID: 410868
Bird sling and fish line, hook, and reel, Eskimo, Repulse Bay, Canada, 1927
ID: 410869
Knife with bone handle and copper blade, Eskimo, Coronation Gulf, Canada, 1926
ID: 265347
Albert Thomson and Chinese men covering bones of "Baron Sog monster" with burlap and flour paste, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 410990
Roy Chapman Andrews watching William P. T. Hill map Urtyn Obo badlands, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 411005
Quarry of "Monster" bones, showing rib bone, lower jaw, humerus, femur, toe bone, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 411014
Roy Chapman Andrews and Walter Granger taking out dinosaur eggs at Erhlien, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 411046
Andrews refills flashlights at each meeting with the caravan, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 411057
J. McKenzie Young distilling water for the radio and motor car batteries, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 115637
Ida May Menzies Beck and children sweeping yard, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 281467
Fisherman with nets, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115876
Men at windlass, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 411253
Second Step in Human Culture, Primary Implements, 1929
ID: 411255
Evolution of Grinding Implements, Miocene eoliths, Pleistocene paleoliths, and recent neoliths, 1929
ID: 411256
Evolution of the Knife, Miocene and Pliocene eoliths, Pleistocene paleoliths, and recent neoliths , 1929
ID: 411257
Perforating tools and other prehistoric implements, 1929
ID: 411258
Pleistocene, paleoliths, and recent neoliths, 1929
ID: 411259
ID: 115545
Man with tools outside hut, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1929
ID: 115746
Bringing posts for new building, Zagaheme, Papua New Guinea, 1929
ID: 115563
Man and boy smoothing school seats, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1929
ID: 115542
Man preparing flooring from bamboo, Zagaheme, Papua New Guinea, 1929
ID: 34628
Model of Apache house, Arizona, Indians of the Southwest Hall, 1929
ID: 411119
Sakieh, a method of irrigation, Egypt, 1929
ID: 411139
Arrow points, New Mexico, 1929
ID: 411137
Arrow points, Folsom, New Mexico, 1929
ID: 313230
Printing press, Museum Print Shop, 1930
ID: 313231
Working in Press Room, Museum Print Shop, 1930
ID: 313232
At work in Composing Room, Museum Print Shop, 1930
ID: 314207
Construction of Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1933