Postcard depicting a detail of the Mountain Gorilla diorama, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, postcard
Postcard depicting a detail of the Mountain Gorilla diorama, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, postcard
8 15/16 x 5 15/16
Verso: Mountain Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla beringei) Of all living animals the gorilla appears to be most nearly like man. The adult males may reach a weight of 500 pounds. Their strength is tremendous and they are dangerous when enraged. Terrestrial in habit, they feed on fruits and herbage. The gorilla pictured here is in a clearing in the dense rain forest of the Kivu Mts., Eastern Belgian Congo. Akeley African Hall. Giant Post Card. The American Museum of Natural History
New York, USA. Series Code: 76895. Publisher: Dexter Press, Inc.
AMNH Library authority record: Akeley Hall of African Mammals
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
American Museum of Natural History