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ID: 100213323_59
Bighorn Sheep Group, Hall of North American Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_58
Alaska Brown Bear Group, Hall of North American Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_57
King and Queen of Beasts, African Lion, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_56
Grizzly Bear Group, Hall of North American Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_55
Black Rhinoceros Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_54
(Cougar) Mountain Lion Group, Hall of North American Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_53
ID: 100213323_52
Grant Caribou Group, Hall of North American Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_51
Pacific Walrus, Hall of Ocean Life, postcard
ID: 100213323_50
World's Largest Birds, Ostrich, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_49
ID: 100213323_48
A Sioux Village, painting by George Catlin, 1853-1870, postcard
ID: 100213323_47
Three Celebrated Warriors, Pawnee, painting by George Catlin, postcard
ID: 100213323_46
New Guinea debating stool, Sepik River, Hall of Pacific Peoples, American Museum of Natural History, postcard
ID: 100213323_45
Gold alligator, for use as a pendant, Chiriqui, Panama, postcard
ID: 100213323_44
Great Egret, Hall of North American Birds, postcard
ID: 100213323_43
These colorful sea snails are among the many dwellers of the western Atlantic shores described in the American Museum of Natural History Guide to Shells - Land, Freshwater, and Marine - from Nova Scotia to Florida, shown 1/3 natural size, postcard
ID: 100213323_42
Votive figure, cast gold, Musica style, Central Colombia, 13th-16th centuries A.D., height 8 cm., Gold of the Americas, American Museum of Natural History, postcard
ID: 100213323_41
Gold alligator, for use as a pendant, Chiriqui, Panama, Hall of Ancient Mexico and Central America, postcard
ID: 100213323_40
Gold labret or lip plug, Mixtec Culture, Mexico, 1200-1500 A.D., Gold of the Americas, postcard
ID: 100213323_39
Fine leaf native gold specimen on milky quartz from California, about 3 inches high, Guggenheim Hall of Minerals, postcard
ID: 100213323_38
Specimen of crystalized native gold, about 7 inches across, from the Empire Star Mine of Grass Valley, California, exhibited in the Guggenheim Hall of Minerals, postcard
ID: 100213323_37
Amethyst, Guerera, Mexico, Harry Frank Guggenheim Hall of Minerals, postcard
ID: 100213323_36
Postcard depicting ceremonial cup, gold fused to silver, bird on rim has wire neckband ornamented with bells, Northern Chimu culture, (900-1400 A.D.?)
ID: 100213323_35
Pendant of cast gold, with stylized anthropomorphic figure, Darien style, 11.5 cm., Northwestern Colombia, postcard
ID: 100213323_34
Museum of Natural History, New York, showing 77th Street facade, August 22, 1910, postcard
ID: 100213323_33
Siberian tiger, North Asiatic Hall, American Museum of Natural History, postcard
ID: 100213323_32
Snowy Owl, specimen from the American Museum of Natural History, postcard
ID: 100213323_31
A postcard depicting a Charles R. Knight painting of an Allosaurus and Camptosaurus
ID: 100213323_30
Postcard depicting a detail of the Mountain Gorilla diorama, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_28
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Building, American Museum of Natural History, New York, postcard
ID: 100213323_27
Model of a typical oil derrick, Hall of Oil Geology, postcard
ID: 100213323_26
Jaguar, detail of diorama, Hall of North American Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_25
Bald Eagle, Biology of Birds Hall, American Museum of Natural History, postcard
ID: 100213323_24
Ostrich in Flying-Run, Animal Locomotion, photograph by Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, postcard, American Museum of Natural History
ID: 100213323_23
Cat galloping, Animal Locomotion, photograph by Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, postcard, American Museum of Natural History
ID: 100213323_22
Young Horned Grebe, postcard from painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History
ID: 100213323_21
English Sparrow, Passer domesticus, postcard from painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History
ID: 100213323_20
Museum of Natural History, New York, showing building exterior, postcard, February 25, 1908
ID: 100213323_19
American Museum of Natural History, New York, showing building exterior, postcard, August 16, 1912
ID: 100213323_18
American Museum of Natural History, New York City, showing building exterior, postcard, 1922
ID: 100213323_17
American Museum of Natural History, New York, showing 77th Street facade, postcard
ID: 100213323_16
Museum of Natural History, New York, showing building exterior and train tracks, postcard, December 23, 1910
ID: 100213323_15
Museum of Natural History, New York, showing 77th Street facade, postcard, March, 15, 1906
ID: 100213323_14
ID: 100213323_13
Postcard dated June 17, 1903 depicting a young cinnamon teal, Los Baños, California. Painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History
ID: 100213323_12
Museum of Natural History, New York City, postcard with paper art, circa 1900
ID: 100213323_11
Parakeets (Pyrrhura melanura and Pyrrhura albipectus), postcard from painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History
ID: 100213323_10
New York State Theodore Roosevelt Memorial, postcard
ID: 100213323_09
Hayden Planetarium, New York, postcard, 1936
ID: 100213323_08
77th Street facade of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, postcard
ID: 100213323_07
ID: 100213323_06
Aerial view of the American Museum of Natural History, Manhattan Square, New York, postcard, [no date]
ID: 100213323_05
77th Street facade of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, postcard
ID: 100213323_04
Facade of the American Museum of Natural History, N.Y. City, postcard, 1905
ID: 100213323_03
ID: 100213323_02
77th Street facade of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, postcard [no date]
ID: 100213323_01
77th Street facade of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, postcard, September 4, 1910