Leaves, botanical illustration for use in Chital diorama, Hall of Asian Mammals
Leaves, botanical illustration for use in Chital diorama, Hall of Asian Mammals
10 x 14 in
Chital Group
Bauminia; #14; Chital Group; Front face. Light veins. Naples yellow and brown (Bt sienna). #14 - tank #1; Back. Lighter green. Veins raised. Darker than leaf. Touches of light naples.
This item contains two illustrations of a leaf specimen, one view of each side of the leaf. The illustrations and associated text indicate that the back side of the leaf is a lighter shade of green and has darker colored veins than the front side. The veins on the back side are also more elevated on the surface of the leaf. Bauminia; #14; Chital Group; Front face. Light veins. Naples yellow and brown (Bt sienna). #14 - tank #1; Back. Lighter green. Veins raised. Darker than leaf. Touches of light naples.
American Museum of Natural History Research Library
Information on rights available at the repository
Information on rights available at the repository.
American Museum of Natural History