Dryptosaurus (Leaping Laelaps), painting by Charles Knight, 1897
Dryptosaurus (Leaping Laelaps), painting by Charles Knight, 1897
40 x 58 cm.
1 painting : gouache on paper. Signed and dated '97 at lower right. Painting matted, in frame 61 x 79 cm. On label mounted on verso of painting: K:AM 189701. Originally entitled "Leaping Laelaps," this watercolor may be the earliest depiction of theropods, or actually any dinosaur, as highly active and dynamic, based on the opinions of E.D. Cope and Henry Fairfield Osborn, the curator of vertebrate paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History at the time of the painting's commission. AMNH negative no. 335199; 4"x5" slide no. 1775; 35mm slide no. 1775.
AMNH Special Collections, [no call number]: Dryptosaurus, Charles R. Knight, 1897.
AMNH Library catalog record: Dryptosaurus [art original]
AMNH Library authority record: Knight, Charles Robert 1874-1953
Czerkas, S.M. and D.F. Glut. Dinosaurs, mammoths, and cavemen: the art of Charles R. Knight. New York: Dutton, 1982 (p. 41).
American Museum of Natural History Library
Information on rights available at the repository.
Photographic Transparency Number: 1775
Photographic Negative Number: 335199
Photographic Transparency Number: 210
Barcode Number: 100205624
Bibliographic Number: b1000760x
American Museum of Natural History