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ID: ptc-654
ID: ptc-4948
Rancho La Brea Tar Pit by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-4700
Scene from the plains of western Nebraska, late Miocene, mural by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-2423
Allosaurus study, watercolor, Gouache, ink wash by Charles R. Knight, 14 x 19 1/2 in, 1897
ID: ptc-2434
ID: ptc-2438
ID: ptc-4947
Moose, tapir, and giant beaver, Northern New Jersey, autumn, oil on canvas mural painting, by Charles R. Knight, 1919, 108x300"
ID: ptc-2433
ID: ptc-2426
ID: ptc-2428
ID: ptc-2432
Imperial Mammoth, oil painting by Charles R. Knight, 23 1/2 x 35, 1908
ID: ptc-4949
Woolly mammoths and reindeer of the Pleistocene Ice Age, the River Somme, France, oil on canvas, right-hand panel of mural painting by Charles R. Knight,108 x 600"
ID: ptc-4951
Woolly mammoths and reindeer of the Pleistocene Ice Age, the River Somme, France, oil on canvas, left-hand panel of mural painting by Charles R. Knight,108 x 600"
ID: ptc-4950
Woolly mammoths and reindeer of the Pleistocene Ice Age, the River Somme, France, oil on canvas, center panel of mural painting by Charles R. Knight,108 x 600"
ID: ptc-1774
ID: ptc-2418
Allosaurus, painting by Charles R. Knight, 1904
ID: 100213321
Elasmosaurus, watercolor by Charles R. Knight, 1897
ID: 100219464
Stegosaurus, painting by Charles Knight, 1901
ID: 100219465
Woolly mammoth and hunter, painting by Charles Knight, 1909
ID: 100219815
Orohippus, painting by Charles Knight, 1896
ID: 100219817
Patriofelis and crocodile prey, painting by Charles Knight, 1896
ID: 100219814
Diplodocus, by Charles Knight, 1905
ID: 100219818
Eobasileus, painting by Charles Knight, [1896]
ID: 100219816
Arsinoitherium attacked by pterodons, painting by Charles Knight, 1907
ID: 100219813
Borophagus, painting by Charles Knight, 1902
ID: b10007763
Dimetrodon and Edaphosaurus, painting by Charles Knight, 1897
ID: b10007775
Apatosaurus, painting by Charles Knight, 1898
ID: 100209958
Hadrosaurs, painting by Charles Knight, 1897
ID: 100205624
Dryptosaurus (Leaping Laelaps), painting by Charles Knight, 1897
ID: 100205623
Agathaumas (Monoclonius), painting by Charles Knight, 1897
ID: 35940
Reindeer and Mammoth of the River Somme, France, Close of the Glacial Epoch, Morning in the Spring Season, painted by Charles R. Knight, under the direction of Henry Fairfield Osborn, 1916
ID: 37230
ID: 100213323_29
Postcard depicting Dimetrodon and Edaphosaurus, from a painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: 100209950
Ornitholestes catching an Archaeopteryx, drawing by Charles R. Knight, 1903
ID: 327681
Artist Charles R. Knight at work in his Bronxville studio, 1911
ID: 327677
Artist Charles R. Knight, painting a lion from life, about 1905
ID: 46623
Palaeosyops painting by Charles R. Knight, 1896
ID: 17281
Neanderthal Man, drawing by Charles R. Knight
ID: 39860
Fossil mammals of Rancho La Brea, Felis bebbi, Camelus, Equus, mural by Charles R. Knight, 1922, Hall of the Age of Man, 1923
ID: 39859
Fossil mammals of Rancho la Brea, Canis dirus, dire wolf, mural by Charles R. Knight, Hall of the Age of Man, 1923
ID: 39858
Equus scotti, mural by Charles R. Knight, 1922, Hall of the Age of Mammals, 1923
ID: 37953p
Autumn in New Jersey with a Giant Beaver and a Deer Moose, 1919, oil on canvas, mural by Charles R. Knight, Hall of the Age of Man [1919-1966]
ID: 33398
Devonian fossil aquarium group, Old Red Sandstone, Scotland, Fish Gallery, 1910
ID: 322690
The Pelycosaur Reptiles exhibit panel with skulls and painting, Jurassic Hall, 1953
ID: 319148
Mount Pelée Volcano, painting by Charles R. Knight, Hall of Petrology
ID: 314844
Oil painting by Charles R. Knight illustrating the astronomical mythology of the Siksika [Blackfeet] Indians, Hayden Planetatarium, 1935
ID: 310772
Deer and mastodon, painting by Charles R. Knight, Hall of the Age of Man, 1924
ID: ptc-6675
Cro-Magnon Artists of Southern France
ID: ptc-5375
ID: ptc-3150
T-Rex and Triceratops Family, painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-3148
Irish Elk or Irish Deer, Megaloceros, painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-3147
Confrontation between horned dinosaur Triceratops and adversary Tyrannosaurus rex, painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-2554
A Loess Storm on the Pampas of Argentina, by Charles. R. Knight, 1918
ID: ptc-2540
Baluchitherium, oil painting by Charles R. Knight, 1923, R. Knight, 1923
ID: ptc-1327
Patriofelis and crocodile, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-1326
Oxyaena eating Eohippus
ID: ptc-1025
ID: ptc-1001
Dinictis Chasing Protoceras, painting by Charles R. Knight, 1904
ID: ptc-604
Early Stone Age Man, painting by Charles R. Knight, 1920
ID: ptc-1276
Teleoceras, watercolor painting by Charles R. Knight, 1898
ID: ptc-1013
Ichthyosaurus, watercolor by Charles R. Knight, watercolor on paper, 1902
ID: ptc-995
ID: ptc-994
ID: ptc-867
Phenacodus, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight, 1898
ID: ptc-1010
Devonian Landscape, painting by Charles R. Knight, detail of left section
ID: ptc-1009
Devonian Landscape, painting by Charles R. Knight, detail of center section
ID: ptc-1008
Devonian Landscape, painting by Charles R. Knight, detail of right section
ID: ptc-992
Devonian Landscape, painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-990
Giant turtle in the sea, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-1017
ID: ptc-1016
Megaceros, Irish elk, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-616
The Reindeer and Mammoth on the River Somme, France, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight, 1916
ID: ptc-991
American Eagle, painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-1014
Protoceras, watercolor by Charles R. Knight, 1896
ID: ptc-1011
Warren Mastodon, oil painting by Charles R. Knight, 1908
ID: ptc-993
Rancho La Brea Tar Pit, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-1012
Columbian Mammoth, oil painting by Charles R. Knight, 1909
ID: ptc-618
Neanderthal Flintworkers, Le Moustier Cavern, Dordogne, France, mural, oil painting by Charles R. Knight, 1920
ID: ptc-259
ID: ptc-221
Stegosaurus restoration, sculpture by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-202
ID: ptc-200
American Mastodon, painting by Charles R. Knight, 1897
ID: ptc-652
Equus scotti, painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-199
Allosaurus devouring Apatosaurus, painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-7222
Grevy's zebra
ID: ptc-866
Coryphodonts, by Charles R. Knight, 1898
ID: ptc-2425
Tylosaurus dyspelor, by Charles R. Knight, 1899
ID: ptc-2421
Sauropod, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-5514
Mammals of the Oligocene Period, oil painting by Charles R. Knight, 1930, Hall of Advanced Mammals, 1995
ID: ptc-5512
Mammals of the Upper Pliocene Period, painting by Charles R. Knight, 1930, Paul and Irma Milstein Hall of Advanced Mammals, Lila Acheson Wallace Wing of Extinct Mammals, 1995
ID: ptc-211
Woolly Rhinoceros and Saiga Antelope in a Glacial Winter, detail of mural
ID: ptc-208
ID: ptc-206
Procamelus and Teleoceras, restoration painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ptc-6258
Przewalski's horse
ID: b10125279_1
Temminck's Tragopan, Tragopan temmnickii, cock left, hen right, from Beebe's A monograph of the pheasants
ID: 412302
Old Mastiff "Lou," sketch by Charles Robert Knight, age 12, Brooklyn, 1886
ID: K17751
Mural painting by Charles R. Knight, Blackfoot Indian astronomical myths, old Hayden Planetarium
ID: ls-262-020
Neanderthal cave, painting by Charles R. Knight
ID: ls-336-030
Neanderthal Flintworkers, painting by Charles Knight, 1920
ID: ls-262-017
Neolithic man of Campignian Stage, mural by Charles R. Knight