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Woolly mammoth and hunter, painting by Charles Knight, 1909


Woolly mammoth and hunter, painting by Charles Knight, 1909



62 x 92 cm. In wooden frame, 70 x 101 x 4 cm.

1 painting: oil on canvas. Signed and dated at lower left. Side view of a woolly mammoth in foreground standing on the bank of a river or lake, with three others in far background and a hunter behind it, hiding behind rocks.

AMNH Special Collections, [no call number]: Woolly mammoth and hunter, Charles R. Knight, 1909.

AMNH Library authority record: Knight, Charles Robert 1874-1953

Czerkas, S.M. and Glut, D.F. Dinosaurs, mammoths, and cavemen: the art of Charles R. Knight. New York: Dutton, 1982, p. 65

Osborn, H.F. Proboscidea, 1936-1942. vol. 2, p. 1116

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

Photographic Transparency Number: 2431

American Museum of Natural History



Knight, Charles Robert, 1874-1953 (artist), “Woolly mammoth and hunter, painting by Charles Knight, 1909,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed January 15, 2025,