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ID: b11970637
Book cover with Lepidoptera (moth), ferns, and design from Wood's The common moths of England
ID: b1083009_2
The two-tailed swallowtail, Papilio multicaudata, from The Butterflies of North America by Titian Ramsay Peale
ID: b1083009_3
The pallid tiger swallowtail, Papilio eurymedon, from The Butterflies of North America by Titian Ramsay Peale
ID: b1083009_4
Zebra swallowtail, Eurytides marcellus, on pawpaw plant, from The Butterflies of North America by Titian Ramsay Peale
ID: b1083009_181
Manuscript page for Plate XX from The Butterflies of North America by Titian Ramsay Peale
ID: b1083009_182
Manuscript page for Plate XXII from The Butterflies of North America by Titian Ramsay Peale
ID: b1083009_184
Manuscript page for Plate XXVIII from The Butterflies of North America by Titian Ramsay Peale
ID: b1083009_186
Manuscript page for Plate XXX from The Butterflies of North America by Titian Ramsay Peale
ID: b1083009_204
Manuscript page from The Butterflies of North America by Titian Ramsay Peale
ID: b1083009_205
ID: b1083009_206
ID: 19730
Ignaz Matausch (1859-1915), Museum artist and entomologist
ID: 19731
ID: 491
Entomological Hall, moths and butterflies in Hoffman Collection exhibit cases, Gallery Floor, East Wing, looking east, circa 1900
ID: 492
Moths and butterflies in Hoffman Cases, deer, porpoises, canoes, and rhinoceros in background, Entomological Hall, circa 1900
ID: 31802
Malarial mosquito, model, Public Health Hall [1904-1943]
ID: 31804
Malarial mosquito, female, model, Public Health Hall [1904-1943]
ID: 31808
Malarial mosquito, female, model, detail of head, Public Health Hall [1904-1943]
ID: 31809
Malaria mosquito, model, detail of body, [circa 1907]
ID: 31810
Model of malaria mosquito, Anopheles maculipennis, detail of body [1907]
ID: 31811
Model of larva of malaria mosquito, Anopheles maculipennis, side view, Public Health Hall [1907]
ID: 31813
Model of head of larva of malaria mosquito, Hall of Public Health [1913-1943]
ID: 31814
Model of mouth parts of larva of malaria mosquito, Hall of Public Health [1913-1943]
ID: 31818
Distribution of Anopheles, Hall of Public Health [1913-1943]
ID: 101820
Studies for Mosquito Group, creek in Hackensack Meadows, New Jersey, [circa 1917]
ID: 101821
ID: 101822
Creek and plants, studies for Mosquito Group, Hackensack Meadows, New Jersey, [circa 1917]
ID: 101823
Stream and plants, studies for Mosquito Group, Hackensack Meadows, New Jersey, [circa 1917]
ID: 101824
Creek or stream and plants, studies for Mosquito Group, Hackensack Meadows, New Jersey, [circa 1917]
ID: 101825
Stream, trees, and plants, studies for Mosquito Group, Hackensack Meadows, New Jersey, [circa 1917]
ID: 117449
Children with ant nests, Papua New Guinea, [1928-1929]
ID: 100031325_c2
Cover and pages from E.A. Séguy's "Insectes"
ID: 100031325_20
Design compositions from Séguy's Insectes
ID: 100031325_05
Various winged insects from E. A. Séguy's "Insectes"
ID: 100031325_07
Grasshoppers, plate 7 from E.A. Seguy "Insectes"
ID: 34068
Preparing model of common house fly [ca. 1943]
ID: b11896474_5
Hand painted butterflies from Chinese plates of butterflies
ID: ptc-6555
Chinese Butterflies, watercolor on paper, 1830-1871
ID: ptc-6556
ID: ptc-6557
ID: ptc-6558
ID: ptc-6559
ID: ptc-6560
ID: ptc-6565
ID: b10400771_1
Flea from Hooke's Micrographia
ID: b10400771_3
Detail of a flea from Hooke's Micrographia
ID: b10400771_2
Flea, from Hooke's Micrographia
ID: b11797897_4
Moth metamorphosis and winged insects with passion flower, explanation plate to right, from Merian's Over de voortteeling en wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaemsche insecten
ID: b11797897_6
Explaination of plate 21, corresponds with images of the passion flower from Merian's Over de voortteeling en wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaemsche insecten
ID: b11797897_8
Citron bough with stages of caterpillar metamorphosis from Merian's Over de voortteeling en wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaemsche insecten
ID: b11797897_1
Frontispiece showing Merian with cherubs preparing specimens from Merian's Over de voortteeling en wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaemsche insecten
ID: b11797897_5
Passion flower and fruit with various insects from Merian's Over de voortteeling en wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaemsche insecten
ID: b11797897_7
ID: b10487451_4
Common Nighthawk from Catesby's Natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands
ID: b10836809
Life cycle of a butterfly from Moses Harris's "The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects"
ID: b12029312_1
Syrphidae from Harris' An exposition of English insects
ID: b12029312
Cover of Harris' An exposition of English insects
ID: b10836809_1
Life cycles of several moths from Moses Harris's "The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects"
ID: b10836809_2
Adult, caterpillar, and pupa of the death's head hawk moth from Moses Harris's "The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects"
ID: b10527953_1
Seven moths from Cramer's De uitlandsche kapellen, voorkomende in de drie waerld-deelen Asia, Africa en America
ID: b10527953_2
Butterflies and moths from Cramer's De uitlandsche kapellen, voorkomende in de drie waerld-deelen Asia, Africa en America
ID: b10527953_4
Junonia orithya, Polygonia interrogationis, and Morpho menelaus from Cramer's De uitlandsche kapellen, voorkomende in de drie waerld-deelen Asia, Africa en America
ID: b10527953_5
Hebomia leucippe, Rosema deolis, with other moths and butterflies from Cramer's De uitlandsche kapellen, voorkomende in de drie waerld-deelen Asia, Africa en America
ID: b12055384
Libellulae, dragonflies, from Harris' Exposition of English insects
ID: b12055384_3
Scheme of colours from Harris' Exposition of English insects
ID: b12055384_4
Libellulae wings expanded, tab XII from Harris' Exposition of English insects
ID: ptc-7232
Various insects, various views
ID: ptc-6561
ID: 100213466_1
Butterflies from Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l'ile de Cuba
ID: 100213466_2
ID: b10548683
Cover of Maria Catlow's "Popular British entomology" featuring a butterfly
ID: ptc-5922
New Species of Plusiotis, illustration by Edward W. Robinson, Plate 23 from Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1875
ID: CL0440
Large anthill, Mexico, 1890-1898
ID: 394
Hoffman Collection of North American Butterflies, Entomological Hall, 1899
ID: 41952
Hoffman Collection Butterflies, Butterflies of America, North of Mexico, 1899
ID: 359
Insect exhibit, Gallery Floor, 1900
ID: 102789
A shallow dish of clear glass with glass cover, convenient for helping caterpillars; forceps convenient for handling them. insects and butterflies series, circa, 1900
ID: 102714
The broad winged and square headed katydid, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102715
The oblong leaf-winged katydid on marsh mallow [plant], insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102716
The oblong leaf-winged katydid, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102717
ID: 102718
The larvae of the water diving beetle are known as water-tigers because of their blood thirstiness, they are a spindle form grub...[with] mandibles used in holding prey, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102719
Larva of dragonfly, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102720
Dragonfly and pupa case, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102721
Dragonfly, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102722
The large cone-headed grasshopper, like the others he prefers to eat and sing head down, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102723
ID: 102724
Long-horned locust, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102725
Short-horned grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102726
Red legged locusts, Melanoplus rubrum, a toad can swallow a locust before it has time to pour out his molasses, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102727
Shield back grasshopper, female, matches the color of the fallen oak leaves under which she deposits the eggs in the ground, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102728
Locust, short-horned grasshopper, a sturdy violinist, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102729
Locust, short-horned grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102730
The filmy second wings are plaited fan-like under the musical wings of the large cone-headed grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102731
The overlapping wings form the musical instrument of the cone-headed grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102732
Narrow-winged katydid cleaning the foot of the right hind leg, an awkward process, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102733
Narrow-winged katydid cleaning the foot of the right hind leg, an awkward process, Insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102734
Flowering branch of the Barberry, Berberis vulgaris, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102735
Narrow-winged katydid, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102736
Narrow-winged katydid, with unusual position of the front legs, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900