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ID: b10303133_2
Tarsipes rostratus, honey possums, on branches, from Gould's The mammals of Australia
ID: b1083009_132
A species of duskywing skipper, genus Erynnis
ID: b10564457_6
Brown Thrasher, Ferruginous Thrush, defending nest against Black Snake, from Audubon's The birds of America
ID: b1048127_9
Barbled dragonfish with bioluminescent chin barbel from Brauer's Die Tiefsee-Fische
ID: b11266818
Newborn giraffe and mother from the Transactions of the Zoological Society of London
ID: b11448969_5
Portunus reticulatus (crab)
ID: b10610169_4
Cicinnurus regius (king bird of paradise)
ID: b10782631_2
Mon-Chonsia, a Kansas chief, White Plume (Kansa), portrait from Thomas Loraine McKenney's "History of the Indian tribes of North America"
ID: b10610169_7
Paradisea raggiana (Count Raggi's bird of paradise)
ID: b10610169_5
Diphyllodes respublica (Wilson's bird of paradise)
ID: b10610169_3
Semioptera wallacii (Wallace's standardwing)
ID: b10610169_2
Epimachus ellioti (Elliot's Sicklebill)
ID: b10610169_1
Seleucides alba (twelve-wire bird of paradise)
ID: b10276580
Cover of John George Wood's "Illustrated Natural History"
ID: b11982032
Cover of Maria Catlow's "Popular Scripture zoology" featuring a pelican
ID: b10836809
Life cycle of a butterfly from Moses Harris's "The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects"
ID: b10836809_2
Adult, caterpillar, and pupa of the death's head hawk moth from Moses Harris's "The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects"
ID: b10836809_1
Life cycles of several moths from Moses Harris's "The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects"
ID: b11423316
Cover with deer from William Scrope's "Days of deer-stalking in the Forest of Atholl"
ID: b10432012
Cover with frog from William Furneaux's Life in ponds and streams
ID: b1182413x
Cover of Samuel Peckworth Woodward's "A manual of the Mollusca"
ID: b10451213
Cover of Sir George Grey's Polynesian mythology and ancient traditional history of the New Zealand race
ID: b10548683
Cover of Maria Catlow's "Popular British entomology" featuring a butterfly
ID: b11282046
Cover, Stray Feathers, a journal of ornithology for India and its dependencies
ID: b10066986
Book cover with rabbit or hare from Richard Jefferies' Wild life in a southern county
ID: b10263408
Cover with bird and frog from Edward Hamilton Aitken's "The tribes on my frontier"
ID: b11371523_7
Dissection, viscera, and skeleton of the spadefoot, Pelobates fuscus, from Rösel von Rosenhof's Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium
ID: b11371523_6
Uncolored key plate from Rösel von Rosenhof's Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium
ID: b11371523_4
The development of the spadefoot from Rösel von Rosenhof's Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium
ID: b11371523_3
Green frog dissection and skeleton from Rösel von Rosenhof's Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium
ID: b11371523_2
Green frog and process of amplexus, egg deposition, and fertilization from Rösel von Rosenhof's Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium
ID: b11371523_1
Frontispiece with fire newt, sand lizard, and frogs from Rösel von Rosenhof's Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium
ID: b10613079
Book cover with polar bear on glacier from Frederick George Innes-Lillingston's "The land of the white bear"
ID: b11979525
Book cover with jellyfish from Louis Figuier's "The ocean world"
ID: b10804109
Book cover with decorative floral motif and whale from Charles Nordhoff's "Life in a whaler"
ID: b12055384_4
Libellulae wings expanded, tab XII from Harris' Exposition of English insects
ID: b12055384_3
Scheme of colours from Harris' Exposition of English insects
ID: b1028607x
Book cover with bird from Crichton's A naturalist's ramble to the Orcades
ID: b10663848_6
Coluber poesilostoma caninana de papovermelho from Wied's Abbildungen zur Naturgeschichte Brasiliens
ID: b10663848_5
Lachesis rhombeata from Wied's Abbildungen zur Naturgeschichte Brasiliens
ID: b10663848_4
Coluber formosus from Wied's Abbildungen zur Naturgeschichte Brasiliens
ID: b10663848_3
Anolis veridis and anolis gracilis from Wied's Abbildungen zur Naturgeschichte Brasiliens
ID: b10663848_2
Ceratophrys dorsata fem. from Wied's Abbildungen zur Naturgeschichte Brasiliens
ID: 100031311_05
Butterflies, Plate 5 from Seguy's "Papillons"
ID: b10464177_5
Platydactyle Homalocephale (ptychozoon kuhli) and extremite du tronc et origin de la queue en dessous from Duméril's Erpétologie générale
ID: b10464177_4
Furcifer verrucosus, Chameleo sengalensis tongue, and dorsal head of Furcifer bifidus from Duméril's Erpétologie générale
ID: b10464177_3
Python sebae with views of head and eye from Duméril's Erpétologie générale
ID: b10464177_2
Xenopus laevis and Pipa pipa from Duméril's Erpétologie générale
ID: b10464177_1
Geochelone sulcata and Pyxis arachnoides from Duméril's Erpétologie générale
ID: b10495770_5
Calitrix entomophogus d'orb from Orbigny's Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale
ID: b10495770_4
Trygon histrix from Orbigny's Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale
ID: b10495770_3
Ampullaria scullaris d'orb and canaliculata from Orbigny's Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale
ID: b10495770_2
Loligo gigas d'orb from Orbigny's Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale
ID: b10495770_1
Octopus atlanticus, fontanius, and quoyanus from Orbigny's Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale
ID: b10203680_5
Yellow crowned heron, great heron, American bittern, and least bittern from Wilson's American ornithology
ID: b10203680_4
Carolina parrot, Canada flycatcher, hooded flycatcher, and green black capped flycatcher from Wilson's American ornithology
ID: b10203680_3
Belted kingfisher, black and yellow warbler, Blackburnian warbler, autumnal warbler, and water thrush from Wilson's American ornithology
ID: b10203680_2
Passenger pigeon, blue mountain warbler, and hooded warbler from Wilson's American Ornithology
ID: b10203680_1
Great horn owl, barn owl, meadow mouse, red bat, small headed flycatcher, and hawk owl from Wilson's American orinthology
ID: b11477647_3
Clusters, nebulae, and comets from Burritt's Atlas designed to illustrate Burritt's Geography of the heavens
ID: b11477647_2
Double stars and clusters from Burritt's Atlas designed to illustrate Burritt's Geography of the heavens
ID: b11477647_1
An edition of Burritt's Atlas designed to illustrate Burritt's Geography of the heavens with illustration of Galileo demonstrating his system
ID: b10160929
Book cover of Sowerby's The ferns of Great Britain
ID: b11364932_5
Variation in egg color of water birds from Oken's Allgemeine Naturgeschichte für alle Stände
ID: b11364932_4
Eggs of song birds and two nests from Oken's Allgemeine Naturgeschichte für alle Stände
ID: b11364932_3
Trappen from Oken's Allgemeine Naturgeschichte für alle Stände
ID: b11364932_2
Wasser-hühner (waterfowl) from Oken's Allgemeine Naturgeschichte für alle Stände
ID: b11364932_1
Sumpfvöegel (marsh birds) from Oken's Allgemeine Naturgeschichte für alle Stände
ID: b11477623_5
A Celestial Planisphere, or Map of the Heavens from Burritt's Atlas, designed to illustrate the geography of the heavens
ID: b11477623_4
A plan of the solar system exhibiting its relative magnitude and distances from Burritt's Atlas, designed to illustrate the geography of the heavens
ID: b11477623_3
Celestial maps from Burritt's Atlas, designed to illustrate the geography of the heavens
ID: b11477623_2
Northern circumpolar map for each month in the year from Burritt's Atlas, designed to illustrate the geography of the heavens
ID: b12045160_5
Adult male aye-aye from Owen's Monograph on the aye-aye
ID: b12045160_4
ID: b12045160_3
Illustration of aye-aye skeleton from Owen's Monograph on the aye-aye
ID: b12045160_2
Female aye-aye from Owen's Monograph on the aye-aye
ID: b12045160_1
Male aye-aye and two diagrams of the feet from Owen's Monograph on the aye-aye
ID: b10764136_7
Equus Zebra Linn. standing on island from Schreber's Die såugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur
ID: b10764136_5
Mandrillus sphynx on rock from Schreber's Die såugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur
ID: b10764136_3
Hyaena Crocuta from Schreber's Die såugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur
ID: b10764136_2
Viverra Suricatta Buff from Schreber's Die såugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur
ID: b10764136_1
Hystrix cristata (crested porcupine) on rock from Schreber's Die såugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur
ID: b10226825
Book cover depicting various groups of people in a wheel of time from Sears' An illustrated description of the Russian empire
ID: b10064667
Book cover with sailing ship, portraits, and other decorations from Defoe's The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe
ID: b10468055_5
Three Peneus foliaceus from Risso's Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe méridionale
ID: b10468055_4
Squilla eusebia, Platysquilla eusebia and other varieties of shrimp from Risso's Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe méridionale
ID: b10468055_3
Chrysoma mediterranea and various depictions of Scyllarus arctus larva from Risso's Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe méridionale
ID: b10468055_2
Stomias boa and other fish from Risso's Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe méridionale
ID: b10468055_1
Acanthias Blainvillii, Scymnus rostratus, and another shark from Risso's Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe méridionale
ID: b10187236_6
Canis antarcticus from Darwin's The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
ID: b10187236_5
Base of the skull of Toxodon Platensis from Darwin's The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
ID: b10187236_3
Vespertilio Chiloensis from Darwin's The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
ID: b10187236_1
Desmodus rotundus with frontal and profile drawings of head from Darwin's The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
ID: b10427223
Book cover with twelve images of the zodiac from Dunkin's The midnight sky
ID: b10355327
Book cover with fish from Henshall's Book of black bass
ID: b11310480
Three Colies on branches from the Zoological Society of London's Proceedings of the General Meetings
ID: b10527953_5
Hebomia leucippe, Rosema deolis, with other moths and butterflies from Cramer's De uitlandsche kapellen, voorkomende in de drie waerld-deelen Asia, Africa en America
ID: b10527953_4
Junonia orithya, Polygonia interrogationis, and Morpho menelaus from Cramer's De uitlandsche kapellen, voorkomende in de drie waerld-deelen Asia, Africa en America
ID: b10527953_3
Frontispiece with a woman and three children among foliage from Cramer's De uitlandsche kapellen, voorkomende in de drie waerld-deelen Asia, Africa en America
ID: b10527953_2
Butterflies and moths from Cramer's De uitlandsche kapellen, voorkomende in de drie waerld-deelen Asia, Africa en America